Sunday, May 22, 2011

Give me a bad blogger award!

If there was an award for being a bad blogger for a few months I would win. I am going to say what the hecks has been going on with this thing in the past couple days? I have been trying to post but it's been weird on this site. Thankfully its friggin working now. Anyways y'all...

Kind of got some news that was pretty disappointing a couple weeks back. Our plans of being in San Diego within the year have been canceled for 2011. The Navy gave us a nice swift kick to the nuts but it doesn't end there. Due to his orders to the states being canceled for uncontrollable reasons he is also now being sent on deployment. Yeah...insert a nice big sad face. There is nothing we can do so we are going to make the best of it. Still disappointing and not looking forward the time apart during another deployment we have to go through.

Dear Deployment, I hate you. Love, Kelly

I am leaving Japan in the beginning of June, sadly. I tried last week to take a ton of photo's but I'm honestly sad about leaving that I haven't even bothered loading them. I've been trying hard to put a smile on my face even though it feels like this distance bull crap is never going to end. I did purchase a lot of material to start making hair bows and selling them because I'm going to be bored, registered for classes so I can stay busy and plan on hitting the gym with old friends so I don't turn into a whale. Trying to turn this pile of negative into something good.

Here is a peek of what I saw behind my lens recently.
My favorite type of flower.
I wanted this piece of wood. I don't know what it says though.
kerry ruvs her famiry too.
SUPER weird display of toys.
popular bar the people on base go too.
the park. it looks amazing when their are Cherry Blossoms.
Kids getting off of school. They all have bells attached to their bags
so it sounds insane when 300 kids start running to go home.
Signs at the temple by our house.
Piece of wood with writing on them by the temple. 
Still not sure of the exact meaning.
pretty orchid :)
I don't know if anyone noticed but I LOVE flowers and 
I always take tons of pictures of them.

To end this post...I'm going to try and post more while I am here but be sure to look forward to words from me when I am back in the states. Going through a deployment I'm going to be spending a lot of time alone but online like old times....some may know what I'll be going through. Anyways, please if you read this send some prayers to us in Japan. I don't really want to leave and it's getting pretty hard these days since I am leaving VERY SOON :c

From a sad Kelly today.