Monday, February 28, 2011

Positive start for a rainy Monday

 It's the start of a new week.
This is how I feel about today.
Today hasn't been much of an eventful day again but I promise things are going to get exciting once babe gets home which is one day closer, yeee!  I'll be spending my time finishing my book for class the rest of today. Boooo 

I was so excited to get out and run today after my long drab weekend break...guess what I woke up to this morning....pouring rain that turned into sleet then straight snow then back to rain BUT it's all good. I still went for a run more like freezing cold wet jog but it was still worth it. I didn't keep track of my miles today I just ran for a set time while jumping in puddles. I felt like a machine after needless to say because something about running in the pouring rain just screams Rambo Kelly.

I really love rain so I enjoyed today because of that. I did however go to the store and buy thee prettiest umbrella. It's plum colored satin with flowers on it. I'll take a picture later. A plus about living in Japan is the seafood is really cheap. I bought some crap and made myself a spinach salad with that tonight. Can you say nomm nommm? Grabbed some sushi yesterday or something day this week and it was delish as well.

I'm totally sad that I missed the Oscars last night. I've always loved them since I was a little girl. I just truly love movies. Nothing better than movies, cuddling with Jimmy on the couch and so on OR even going to see one with 9000 calories worth of popcorn and butter. One heart attack later it's worth it still.

 Not much happening in Japan today everyone.
I hope you all have a lovely day.
Morning state siders, G'night Japan.

Kelly Marie 

PS. Is anyone's fonts and sizes messing up when you are trying to create a new post. I'm going insane because I like my stuff looking very organized and its all double spaced, the wrong font and just pure craziness! :c 

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters
1) I love my boyfriend. He's being so sweet today.
2) I'm watching Tangled as I write this. (I'll brush and brush myy haiirrrr!)
3) I'm considering going light brown with my hair.
4) I want a bowl of cereal right now but with OJ not milk.
5) Currently reading: Her Fearful Symmetry

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Went on a walk

I think if I said I was bored it would be a huge understatement. If I said I missed Jimmy that would be an even bigger understatement. I'm starting to go crazy since he's gone. I'm not even going to lie this is absolutely boring. I forced myself to go outside and walk today since I had the weekend off from my running schedule. Thank goodness tomorrow is Monday and I'm back to running because this weekend has been like watching paint dry on an empty stomach with a headache.

I'm really glad that I went on a walk. Here's some stuff that took around the house today:

Gosh I can't wait for him to come home because this is just bad. I don't know if you guys notice but Jimmy's pretty much the life of the party. It's so weird when he isn't around. I can't wait to have him here so that we can workout together and just spend time together. It's a lot funny when you don't have to watch movies alone. Although since he is gone I am taking advantage so that I can have a Harry Potter movie marathon and do some crafty stuff I know he will really like.

I made a page (up at the top)  OR follow this link that has sponsorships and giveaway information.

I can't believe it but I'm scraping my brain and can't think of anything to write about. Someone help me from this madness. :/

Kelly Marie

Saturday, February 26, 2011

I'm Loving

I'm so excited. I now have over 200 followers! yee, I really hope everyone likes cup of serenity as much as I do.hehe Anyways, I'm going to try some new stuff including what I'm loving so that I can get other blogger friends projects/photography and everything out to this lovely world. I'm thinking about offering sponsoring and features soon. Ps: I'm looking for someone who loves fitness just as much as I do. If you do and would be interested in making a possible hop w/cupofserenity leave a comment please.

I wanted to thank everyone that gave me a hug via web yesterday during my bad day. I appreciated it a lot. It was nice getting online to kind words. Everything isn't completely 100% but I do feel a little bit better BUT the good news is that everything works out in time. I just need to go with the flow, clear my mind so my thoughts are straight and pamper my girl self. 

I found out Jimmy will not be home when they said he was...more like when they promised. I still have a while until he's. Am I surprised? Oh of course not...the Navy never fails ladies, it never ever fails. It's making me so hot and cold. Also in more happy regards, I have discovered the treasure of Groove Shark online. Thank goodness because hardly any music sites work over here in Japan. At least something friggin works right sheesh! 

Hello Kitty Finger. Remind me next Mani.
Jessie J because she has great attitude with positive energy.
Epic walk in closets packed with goodies. Look at this and tell me what's not to like?
Very cute diy Epsom Salt Luminaries.
The newest item added to my wish list. XO
His smile :)
my private collection hehe
Kelly Marie

Oh and good news, I figured out how to make a link for my button. Only took me a couple months.durr. Here it is:

Friday, February 25, 2011

Can I get a hug.

Today is not a good day at all.

Still with amore even though I want to punch someone,
one very sad Kelly Marie

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Red, White and Blue!

Hey everyone! I've been hearing a lot about the new lifetime show: Coming Home. Unfortunately I won't be able to watch it until it's somewhere illegally on the internet because of being in Japan. A lot websites have country internet laws so I don't know where I will be able to see it yet *fingers crossed I will be able to* I wanted to pass the news onto everyone in case you haven't heard or just a friendly reminder. 
Right after the new season premiere of Army Wives on March 6th is the premiere of this:
Here's a little extra. One of mine and Jimmy's homecomings (I'll tell you the story later ;])
*Ignore the bathroom; his plane was late and I was about to get sick from being nervous hehe.

A new Mili blogger friend of mine over at Goodnight-Moon had a hop today that involved music that we were currently listening too. My song was originally Zac Brown Band-Toes because I want to be at the beach BUT I am changing it to heaven was needing a hero. In honor of the hero's and for the families that didn't get their homecomings.

I know this is kind of sad to be posting but I think it's important we remember this daily. 

I really hope that after watching this we can all take a minute to remember and just be thankful. I'm so thankful to live in the land of the free and the home of the brave. Just like that one song says; I thank God for my life, for the stars and stripes may, freedom forever fly, let it ring. Salute the ones who died, the ones who gave their lives so we don't have to sacrifice all the things we love.  Also, in closing...I'm thankful for all of the military significant others and families. I know first hand what this is like and I know it's hard. I am thankful for all of us and the support and love we give in all situations. God Bless America!

Morning state siders, G'night Japan con tutto il mio amore,
 Kelly Marie 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I'm not good at naming my posts.

 Hello; I have decided that I am completely horrible at coming up with a title for all of my blog posts. Anyways, I slept in this morning way to long but when I got up I felt ready to get my run out of the way. Running today was pretty good and I came home then started a new video of P90x. I don't know if any of you have tried the P90x series before but it's really awesome and I would recommend it. 

Last night the internet decided that it wanted to crap out but thankfully it's fixed now. After about an hour of unplugging wires and then another hour of punching the wireless box, Jimmy came to my rescue. I tried to be productive since I didn't have the internet to keep me entertained soooo I made a vision board, yee! I'm really glad I made this.
 I kinda have a thing for Kim K. teehee ;] 

I saw the first signs of Spring here in Japan. Cherry Blossoms!!!! I woke up to these which is pretty great because this tree was bare. It's going to be really nice out here once the blossom festivals start up here. Also, my love child is going to get a lot of use too. I've been really excited to use the camera because I know the shots will look pretty.
isn't it so pretty? I can't wait until Jimmy's home so we can go on walks and take a lot of pictures. Boo, I miss him!

I ended with me putting on one of those clay masks that "reduce stress" and make your face pretty. The stress part of the mask didn't work when the water wasn't working for like 15 minutes and I thought I was going to have to go outside and hit the reset on the water box. Thankfully it started working and a really hot shower made me feel great. I made myself some dinner; simple spinach, mushrooms, sliced turkey parmesan and italian.
This picture doesn't do it justice at all because it looked way more fresh and was so delicious. nomm nomm.
Besides all of that nothing much is really going on here...It's seriously starting to get boring without Jimmy being here. I really wish that he could just come now. I'm going to get going so that I can work on school or something. I'll probably just end up sleeping though. Have a good day. Morning state siders, Night Japan!

Kelly Marie

1. Where do you usually have your thermostat set at in the winter?
 I'm in Japan, we have weird heaters. We ended up buying an American kerosene heater.
2. What room do you tend to put off cleaning until last?
The kitchen I'd say...I hate doing dishes.
3. Do you like to clean with music on or off?
I'd rather have a movie on but if I had music I'd turn that on.
4. When do you take time to blog?
Normally when I should be doing other things.ha Or at night when my day is ending.
5. How much time do you spend looking at other blogs a week?
I roam around daily. I have my usual that I always stop at but other than that I look for something catchy to make me view. I like blogs with substance also.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Mon. random muse linkup.

Hello all. I decided to grab a Monday link up today.  
Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters
1. Happy Presidents Day
I hope that everyone has a day filled with love. In honor of it being president's day I'll share a quote that I found because I can't pick a favorite president out of the entire group.

 You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.
Abraham Lincoln

2. Running through the streets of Japan
I used what I wrote today as my motivation to run this afternoon. I seriously almost didn't go run but then I thought, how bad would that be to write an entire thing about being motivated and then just be a lazy bum. The run ended up being really good and exactly what I needed. Normally people on the streets out here seriously get in your way...the best part is when they notice they are in your way they just stop dead in their tracks making the situation even more frustrating. You know those situations when you walk face to face with someone and you both are like "up up *goes left *goes right*goes left8 &^%$@! nothing stopped me and the entire run went smooth and DUN DUN DUN...I enjoyed it.

3. In the midst of tears...I find
The song who you are by Jessie J. She sang it in the subway in New York; if you Google it make sure you watch this version. When I first looked at it I was like woo this is about to be dumb BUT then by the end I was almost in tears. Probably because I've been down in the dumps with emotions. I listened to her lyrics and the parts, it's okay not to be okay, dreaming is believing and tears don't mean your losing...I feel so silly  but I was moved by this. Did I mention how powerful her voice is? Talk about diva potential.
4. Products of the love child
In case you didn't know I call my camera my love child. She's been treating me very well lately. I got a Facebook page started up for all of my stuff recently. I'm going to hold off on the website because I haven't done any shoots with people recently. I will probably do that once I get back in the states. Here's my link though: If you get the chance any "likes" to this page would be appreciated a lot. I need some support.

There isn't much else on my mind right now that I can write about. I do have an urge to grab a Diet Coke and graze on Etsy or Ebay. I'm sad so I need to buy something (I have retail therapy issues but hey, the first step to solving an issue is admitting you have it *insert winky*) I really hope that everyone has a great day. I've noticed lots of people stopping by the blog lately and it's really making me spirits dance. Good morning and Good night from Japan and me.

Kelly Marie


Sunday, February 20, 2011

2am brainstew

 JKR Photography. "likes" very appreciated.

I should honestly just go to bed but because I've gained insomniac tendencies, hey let's write!

It's 2:30am exactly from my house in Japan and...
I sit here now feeling slightly depressed in sorts but hopeful in myself to make things better for myself. I feel in my heart the way things need to be in all aspects of my life now it is time to achieve them. I'm going to emphasize "all" because honestly I can't point my finger at one direct issue alone, I need to add them all in this pot. I also do not want people thinking it's one single thing when it is not...
Many things come to my mind when I think about where I am lacking and also in regards to where I want to be now, next week, months or even 5 years from. I'll start with something simple, school. I do feel that I have gotten so much better at completing my work but I get in those slumps sometimes when I feel emotionally or mentally drained so I just remove all care. I can't do this anymore and I fight with myself about this daily. There is a piece to my motivation puzzle that is missing and I can't seem to find out where it is and why it's not there. I mean I could think of a million ideas and even know when I say I'm not going to do this I know I will struggle with it. Maybe I need to just set another goal or have another dream?
The next thing that comes to mind is lack of motivation to fitness. I used to take pride in how I was dedicated and people would laugh at me because I carried healthy snacks like tuna with me everywhere I went. Where is that girl? Deeply rooted in me I feel a tug towards physical fitness and eating clean but once again...that damn puzzle piece. I have picked up running recently and I will admit I do not love it BUT I do see how it can become addicting because I feel that setting in already. The thoughts of becoming a runner excite me...I have one problem though and maybe this is the piece that I'm talking about...the eating clean. Through my life food and me have not been friends...I wasn't friends with my jeans either. Staying shy from the rest of my story I just need to find a willpower to break bad habits that I know I have. Although, for some reason it's being posie and hiding from me constantly. I have done better but it's a slippery slope at times.

Omgosh I'm still writing...*Kelly go to bed!
Becoming a admirable woman is something a girl should obviously desire to attain. I feel that I am lacking drastically in this area. I speak like a sailor (no pun intended) way too often, don't get me wrong I don't think there's anything wrong with a good curse. If I stub my toe look out because its *&^%$# ya know what I'm sayin! It's not just the way I speak though it's also the way I feel. I used to have a lot of motherly tendencies, I mean I grew up with three brothers so cooking, cleaning and caring for them was not a rare thing. I loved every minute of that though because I have a mothers soul I believe. I do know that my care, patience and devotion to things in life has slightly faded. I want to make steps towards becoming more devoted, caring & genuine.

still going... 
I could go on with the things that cross my mind when I get into these moods but I'll just stop because I know what I need to do. It's hard knowing that things take time and there is going to have to be a process. In ending which I need to do because it's late and I'm starting to talk nonsense....a quote: 

"Out of clutter, find simplicity, from discord, find harmony, in the middle of difficulty lies opportunity."
Albert Einstein  

Friday, February 18, 2011

Catching up again*

Well here I am again procrastinating with posts darn it. My anniversary was on the 16th and lovely Valentines day was on the 14th so lets just say I normally get a pretty good couple days straight where I'm showered with lovely gifts. I really wish I could have posted these photo's sooner because they are just darling but I didn't have the time until now. The day before Valentines day Jimmy got me more stuffed friends to add to my collection. I have enough to fill a children store, it's quite awesome being honest.
My newest cuddly friends:
 This little guy isn't so little!!
Loving on my fwend. He got him because he's big like Jimmy and will make me feel like I'm still sleeping with Jimmy even if he is miles away from me. I think it will work :)
 Meet: Squirrel and my raccoon. I'm giggling as I write this. They are too cute! I love getting little cute presents.
Here is Jimmy Bear making himself at home.

The weather here has been pretty bipolar the past couple days. I seem to be loving it completely though...I'm getting the best of the seasons. Snow, lovely rain and then bursts of that warm sun you just want to lay in. I only got pictures of the snow but this doesn't even capture the snowy madness that happened. Jimmy and I went and took a walk in the snow late that night and it was beautiful. We walked to the temple right down the road, threw snowballs and other fun things. I attempted to slide down a massive hill with a lid to the plastic container. I failed. Here's what the snow looked like during the day. This was nothing compared to later on that day though. 
I can't get away from Ohio no matter where in the world I am!!

Everything is going okay here. I really miss Jimmy a lot. I've been getting headaches and having some trouble sleeping since Jimmy left. I feel like I need a good pamper with a bubble bath. Thankfully the tub we have here is literally like a grave or small pool. I'm pretty sure that if I fall asleep in it I may drown. I've been running daily but this Sat and Sun are my off days. I have more plans for the blog that I'm going to be working on after I finish school tomorrow. Now I'm just blabbing about nothing.

Kelly Marie

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Our Anniversary

Today marks the day that Jimmy and I started dating.
Happy Anniversary to my love!
Today should be a super lovey day and don't get me wrong IT IS but it's also bittersweet right now. Duty called and Jimmy had to leave for a while starting today. He was actually supposed to leave a couple days ago so I'm actually quite blessed that I got him on Valentines Day and our Anniversary morning. I guess the Navy didn't completely screw things up. I'm going to be productive while he's gone but I already miss him. Maybe that's why my stomach is upset right now? I think I'll be going to bed early tonight and hopefully wake up feeling okay.

I started a facebook page for JKR Photography.
Check it out here:
JKR Photography

Here's one of my favorites that I ever took. I figured I post it on here again to show more of the photo's off.

Kelly Marie

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Blogger Awards AND quick Hi!

Ugh, I'm sorry I went MIA. Jimmy's been doing a lot with work again so I've been spending most of my time trying to enjoy it with him before the Navy takes him away again. It's hard trying to make time lately but thankfully right now I'm able to sit on the couch with him while he naps and get a post out.

Really cool news...I received my first blogger award from the lovely Jillian over at Iron and Sunshine and also from creativesouthernhome :)

Stop by and visit them.

Versatile Blogger Award
So, here are the rules:  
- Thank the person who gave you the award!
- Share 7 things about yourself.
- Pass the award on to 10 other versatile bloggers.
- Let those other bloggers know that you gave them the award.
  1.  I love an amazing man. I am completely blessed to have him. He's my one and only love. You all know this but I gotta rep dah man, you know. ♥
  2. I plan on getting my photography business started ASAP.
  3. I really love being in nature. I'm a sucker for star filled nights, cracking fires and thunderstorms.
  4. I really can't stand living in Ohio. I like country but we are just way to far from "city".
  5. I could eat subway every single day of my life.
  6. I really enjoy working out and I want to be a runner. I am currently working on this. 
  7. I'm a Nursing student but want to own my own shop one day.
I'm passing this award onto: 
All right I think that is ten. Have a stop by their blogs they are all lovely and active bloggers.